Monday, December 12, 2011

The Beginning

     How does one actually begin? Wait. Don't answer that. Most would probably come up with a sarcastic retort about how our mommies and daddies fell in love, then took that love to create that actual beginning. But thats not what I'm getting at. How does one start blogging? Or writing? Oh. Hey. I began.... Huh... Will you look at that? Well... Only a few sentences in and I've already come to the dreaded writers block.... And then Carry on My Wayward Son by Kansas comes blasting through my Mac speakers making me jump after several moments of silence when I really should be doing my homework. Yeah, I'm still in school. Senior actually, and getting rather bored with the boring separation of the immature masses and the hierarchy that is high school. And my song just randomly cut off... there goes my train of thought. Oh yeah. High school. The final frontier... Shouldn't be making Star Trek references so soon into the whole blogging thing. And all thats really going through my mind right now is my boyfriend and his rather... well... let me be a teenager for a sec and say his... Haha! Sexy voice telling me that this whole thing is sounding kinda silly and sure could it be a total waste of my time? A well deserved DUH! But hell. If it means that I get to talk about my private life to complete strangers and like that one girl who blogged about going through Julia Child's cook book, become a writer and have a movie written about my life and through my "whimsical". Wait. Gotta be sure I'm using the word "whimsical" correctly. Time to bing this mother.... Okay. Got it. "Whimsical" adjective
  1. Playfully quaint or fanciful, esp. in an appealing and amusing way.
  2. Acting or behaving in a capricious manner

That's right I just copy and pasted that crap. Anywho, back to what I was saying. Maybe this whole blog thing is a good thing. Something for me to vent, and whine, and bitch on. So if you don't find my writings to be funny or some how not better your lives, then move along. And for those of who want to stick with me through this painful introduction of myself. I apologize in advance. You're going to hear things you may not wanna hear about boys and love and clothes and regular high school drama, and god forbid.... Bodily errors... Otherwise known as cramps and other.... stuff.... But. My name is Hannah. I'm 18 years old and looking for something to do that sounded like something benefi.... hold on... text message........................................................................................... Something bene................................................................ beneficial. And now... to tie back to my introduction.... How does one finish?

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